30 October 2010

A winter wonderland... seen at night

E adevarat ca nu am mai scris de mult nimica pe blog. Dar nimic nu a meritat a fi scris. Asa ca iata-ma dupa olimpiada la engleza ca postez pe blog. Ce? Exact ce am scris la paragraful descriptiv de la olimpiada.

It's winter. The moon is shinning proudly upon the white trees covered in snow. everything is blissful. The icycales hanging from the branches look like teardrops upon the gentle face of the frozen lake, glittering like a thousand stars. The snow carpet lying on the ground is untouched by humans. Everything is cold but also welcoming. The cold moon is gazing upon this winter wonderland with ice cold glares. It's jelousy for this painting is endless. Suddenly glitters appear all around this gentle yet full of hatered landscape. Everything calms down. It all merges into a whole.

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