27 December 2010

Vampiresse in the Snow

As she was walking down the white path of glitter in her bold red, knee-length trench coat, she was gazing at the embellishment right before her eyes. The white snow carpet in front of her was untouched, new just like a Persian carpet just bought from the store. Only the snow she left behind had one pair of footsteps, hers. Her waist-length, black hair was covered in the same white glitter and was waving left and right with every step she took forward. She never looked back to see what she had left behind her. Her red hat kept her hair back perfectly. Her red lips were as bright as fresh blood on a pure white dress. Her silver eyes were lost, she wasn’t aware of where she was or where she was going to. Her smokey-eyes make-up was in perfect harmony with her gray eyes, red lips and the pureness of the white snow. Her black, long, curled up eyelashes, with two layers of mascara, had on every lash diamond starred snowflake. As this scene couldn’t get any more perfect, bigger snowflakes started glittering. She stopped as if pulled by an invisible string of the puppeteer master. She looked up towards the sky for two minutes until one snowflake got into her eye, melting down on her pure white cheek as if it were a sparkling sapphire teardrop. As she felt the melted snow run down her face, she awoke from the trance she was in, she noticed the scenery that surrounded her. It was like a perfect painting, exposed in the Louvre Museum, just like this day was supposed to be for her. Just like that, the story of the young vampiresse, presented in the painting “Vampiresse in the Snow”, ended.

The End.

23 November 2010

A Forest Scenery in its Winter Pride

a trecut o luna de cand am postat ultima data. si uite ca postez din nou. si din nou in engleza. tot paragraf descriptiv. un paragraf mai mare. un exercitiu pentru olimpiada la engleza ce urmeaza sa aibe loc pe 27 noiembrie in aceeasi zi cu balul.

Time stopped to admire this wonderful landscape that emerges right before my eyes. The ocean of snow covered the land as if it were a pure white dress complementing the beauty of a cold, misterious and graceful lady. The icy flowers waltzing through the shinning sky looked like confetti in the castle which you only see in fairytales. As the cold moon gazed with envy, striking this embellishment with its glares, everything quivered. The icycales hanging from the trees, surounding them, looked like weapons of self-destruction. The deadly trees were so close to eachother as if they formed an army to overpower the overproud moon. How can a scenery that beautiful be so deadly? There is no doubt this happens every winter night in a forest where the vanity of the moon overflows wanting the lake to be her personal mirror, wanting to outshine everything, not realising she is the one that holds this embellishment alltoghether.

30 October 2010

A winter wonderland... seen at night

E adevarat ca nu am mai scris de mult nimica pe blog. Dar nimic nu a meritat a fi scris. Asa ca iata-ma dupa olimpiada la engleza ca postez pe blog. Ce? Exact ce am scris la paragraful descriptiv de la olimpiada.

It's winter. The moon is shinning proudly upon the white trees covered in snow. everything is blissful. The icycales hanging from the branches look like teardrops upon the gentle face of the frozen lake, glittering like a thousand stars. The snow carpet lying on the ground is untouched by humans. Everything is cold but also welcoming. The cold moon is gazing upon this winter wonderland with ice cold glares. It's jelousy for this painting is endless. Suddenly glitters appear all around this gentle yet full of hatered landscape. Everything calms down. It all merges into a whole.

14 May 2010

O portocala!

O portocala. Ce e asa special la ea? Nu stiu. Stau de 10 minute sa ma uit la ea poate, doar poate, vad ceva neobisnuit. Dar tot ce vad e... o portocala. Rotunda si... portocalie. Hmmm... mi-e sete. Ma duc in bucatarie si imi iau un pahar cu suc de portocale. Ma intorc sa vad ce mai face portocala care e sub supravegherea mea. Nicio schimbare. Portocala vede sucul de portocale. Se ingrozeste. Are o culoare galbena. Ciudat. Iau un cutit. Tai portocala. Pe dinauntru e... Stai! Nu e portocalie? Nu... e mov.

Ma trezesc brusc din somn. Un mic reminder sa nu mai adorm dupa ce beau suc de portocale. Ma ridic din pat si ma duc la calculator cu gandul sa nu mai subestimez niciodata puterea supranaturala a portocalelor.

[pt ka profei de romana i-a placut tema si pt ka spune ka ar trebui sa ma apuc serios de scris ka sunt buna... sunt buna baaaaaaaaahhhhh xD]

17 April 2010

Fara titlu !!!

Mucegaiul verde al peretilor albi
Completeaza grotescul camerei mele
Asa cum tu si eu
Ne completam reciproc

Bulele sucului acidulat
de langa patul meu
Se inalta in culori multiple
Si se sparg facandu-mi tavanul multicolor

Prea efervescent !!!
E clar... Trebuie sa ma feresc
de combinatia Pepsi-cioco
Inainte de culcare.

13 April 2010


Cerul imbratiseaza soarele
pentru ultima oara
De sus de undeva se aud plansetele
Naturii ce incetul cu incetul
isi da si ultima suflare.

Lumina rosiatica invaluieste sentimentele
Intr-o folie de matase
Inca o secunda
si dispare totul.

[whatever.... poezii stupide :| nu-mi pasa.... oricum nu-mi place nici mie xD]

11 April 2010

Gandeste-te o clipa!

Nu e cinstit!
M-ai lasat sa ma inec
intr-o mare de agonie

Nisipurile depresiei
Ma atrag usor
spre abisuri necunoscute

Ai luat totul din viata mea
Si m-ai lasat doar cu
o pustietate inconjurata de nimic

Sa inteleg
ca asta e ce primesc
Pentru ca ti-am dedicat totul?

Iar tu...
ai fost doar o fantasma
Intr-o lume in care imaginarul
Nu exista!

Adu-ti aminte!

Iti mai aduci aminte
Cand ne-am intalnit
pentru prima data?

Eu te credeam ingamfat
Tu ma credeai naiva
si uita-te la ce s-a ajuns!

Traim in acelasi basm
pe aceiasi coperta

Umplem filele goale
Dintr-o carte fara sfarsit.