25 September 2011
Male Virgo
"I whis he was a Virgo,
The same sign as me
Know how to show me love" <3
This is not the usual stuff I write on my blog, but I just couldn’t help it. I don’t believe in this astrological thing, you make your destiny the way you want, not the way the zodiac says. Enjoy all you virgo males, or girls loving a male virgo.
Facts about virgos:
Date: 23rd of August – 22nd of September
Dominating planet: Mercury
Sign: Earth
Lucky numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50
Hotspot: Belly and back of the neck
Enough of general stuff.
Characteristics about male virgo:
Talking about the physical characteristics, a typical Virgo man is tall with a straight, upright posture. He has a straight, wedge-shaped nose and an extremely large forehead with a high hairline.
The Virgo man is gentle, helpful and sympathetic by nature. He is very practical and logical. He is always down-to-earth and stays away from daydreaming and fantasizing.
The Virgo man is known for being a perfectionist and is punctual, and expects the same from others. He is also fond of cleanliness and hygiene. He likes to see everything in its right place and keep the surroundings clean.
The Virgo man is blessed with sharp memory and tends to pay close attention to details. You don't have to remind him about birthdays, anniversaries or other important events.
The Virgo man is known for his independent nature. With his intelligence and imaginative nature, he is able to get many things done himself.
Virgo men do not run after girls and romance. Infact, they do not mind being single at all. So, you will have to make a Virgo realize that he has fallen in love and needs to form a relationship. Remember, subtlety is the key to all this. If he wants, he can seduce you very easily, while being subtle all the time. He is not prone to flirtations, so you have no reasons to doubts his intentions. Infact, he is too sensitive, selective and honest to indulge in such kind of behavior. The love of a Virgo man is clean, innocent and pure, though it may take some time to win it.
They love love and life just like everybody else, they just have a different way of expressing it. Some find it very hard to break open a Virgo male, they come off as very shy, very slow to open up, and very private. And this is mostly true of most Virgos.
In their minds, they actually do like & care about you but feel that in a way expressing their emotions too early might mean doom for them.
Virgos prefer to still be around you, but just keep quiet about their emotions until THEY feel they are ready
Virgos are very caring & would do anything for you. In fact, the they tend to attract alot of women mainly because of their shy, yet "down for you" demeanor. Virgo males want to know all of your secrets, want to know everything about you & can't stand it when they feel secrets are being kept
Believe it or not, Virgo males know they are pain in the asses when it comes to expressing emotions, & the minute they spot a woman who can handle it, they will continue to keep their flame for you alive. Virgos don't like to be the center of attention but do like to be noticed.
A Virgo male usually takes his sweet time to find his mate. His standards are very high. But once he finds her he can patiently wait for years for her or travel around the globe to win her heart.
He will attend to his mate when she is mentally, physically or emotionally wounded. He will provide all the necessities to his woman and family. He will be kind, considerate and thoughtful partner.
The Virgo man is also a diplomat and a good mediator, able to settle other's disputes in an organized and peaceful manner. His creativity in looking for alternative solutions to problems as well as his critical thinking abilities comes in handy in such endeavors as investigations, researches, interrogations, and law enforcement.
As a lover, he is more practical and realistic rather than the romantic, prince charming type of partner. Modest and shy, the Virgo man is usually tamed and seldom expresses his love despite his critical nature. The Virgo man takes a lot longer time to develop relationships but when they do have one, he is a loving and a loyal partner.
What attracts a Virgo Man?
If you're eyeing a Virgo man, do not forget to check your physical appearance first. Virgo men are typically neat and well-coordinated. So make sure your clothes and shoes match, your hair is in style and you smell really nice. Do not be loud but listen to what this man's gotta say as he can be very sensitive when ignored. Virgo is known to be a perfectionist and he will implement this even in relationships. What you have learned in Good Manners class will be very useful in dating a Virgo guy.
Virgo Man's Ideal Mate
Virgo has high ideals for himself and any possible mate. Perfection is his goal in life.
His ideal mate will:
• Feel comfortable going along with his way of doing things
• Feel comfortable sharing, as well as living up to, his standards
You may have guessed it already; Virgo likes to be in control of everything, and his emotions aren't any exception.
Opposite Attraction Factor
Virgo's complete opposite is the one person who can make him come undone. This special person can make a Virgo male fray around the edges. He finds an extroverted, chatty partner exciting, mostly because he isn't that way himself. If that person is a risk-taker, he'll feel even more attracted because there's not a single molecule of risk-taking in him. He'll become a moth to that person's shining light, but the relationship usually won't last since Virgo will eventually become frustrated with the same traits he once admired.
Virgo's opposites include:
• Aries: Virgo will get too close to this flame and grow frustrated over Aries' inflexible stubbornness.
• Gemini: Although just as analytic as Virgo, this air sign is too fast and stirs up too much dust.
• Leo: Leo's need for the limelight and admirers is a Virgo turn off.
• Libra: Virgo can never achieve the zen state of being that Libra enjoys.
• Sagittarius: Stay-at-home Virgo simply can't keep up. Sagittarius loves exploring and going on adventures.
• Aquarius: Free spirits confound poor Virgo.
• Pisces: Deep, dreamy waters full of emotions will drown beloved Virgo unless both partners' charts have good aspects.
Virgo's Compatible Signs
Now you know what to expect from your Virgo lover if you're an opposite sign. What if you fall on the other end of the spectrum and are, in fact, a compatible sign?
This includes:
• Taurus: Two peas in a pod. Passion is the flame in this case with no moths around. It could be a burning inferno for a lifetime.
• Cancer: This homebody is almost as critical as Virgo but offers great affection.
• Virgo: This is the case of like attracting like.
• Scorpio: Scorpio knows how to make a Virgo man feel like a man by adoring him, flaws in all..
• Capricorn: It's that perfectionist nature that attracts. This match is equal. Both need to be successful and excel in a career.
When in Love
If you're compatible, your life together will be a good one because Virgo men have a practical and direct approach to life. There won't be a lot of incredibly romantic moments, but he'll work hard to make a good home life for the two of you.
You can expect to:
• Have stability in your relationship
• Have a lovely home that's clean very tidy
• Always know where you stand because he'll tell you
• Not have to worry about him wasting money or mismanaging the household accounts
If you give your Virgo lover devotion and loyalty, he'll reciprocate and be a steady life companion. Let him know he's needed and watch him transform from a moth into a butterfly.
Famous Virgo Men
Sean Connery – August 25, 1930
Michael Jackson – August 29, 1958
Keanu Reeves – September 2, 1964
Hugh Grant – September 9, 1960
Richard Gere – August 31, 1949
D.H Lawrence – September 11, 1885
Charlie Sheen – September 3, 1965
O.Henry – September 11, 1862
Macaulay Culkin – August 26, 1980
Jason Priestley – August 28, 1969
01 August 2011
Questions Without an Answer Between Two Dancers
In this world, is it possible for two dancers to become one, no matter how different their style is? Can they put it all aside, and become a pair, in the eyes of the dance society? Can two people at opposite ends of the rope, tie the rope so that the two different ends, become one and the same end? Are they strong enough to face all the hardships that may occur while tying everything together? Can they work as a pair? Can they make the other dance to their music? Or are they willing to learn the others music? Can they make a soundtrack of their lives together by combining both music styles? How beautiful would that be? Combining both styles and getting something in between that both dancers could dance. Their own original dance, that follows the music of the heart and the steps of blood circulating through blood vessels. A choreography that follows their story of what will be if put together. A pas-de-deux that can only be danced by those two specific dancers.That's how the rope will shorten its length on its own, so that both dancers will be on the same end. No, same end is wrong said. Both dancers will meet halfway, from there on, the rope will be cut and the only way to stay, is in the middle. Both of them.
Can we make our own choreography together? It will be only between the two of us. No one will know that we are working together. It will be our precious moments, our own steps, our own music, our own life.
29 July 2011
Things I Wanna do With You [Pt. 2]
Stiu ca mai am inca o lista, dar aia a fost demult. Persoana s-a schimbat, sentimentele s-au schimbat. Sunt mai mature, mai puternice. E timpul ca si lista sa se schimbe.
Ar fi inutil sa spun absolut tot ce vreau, ar fi o lista mult prea lunga, lucrurile s-ar reptea in functie de dorinte. Nu as putea sa spun multe lucruri pentru ca altfel m-as da de gol, dar ce mai conteaza nu-i asa? Chiar daca as vrea sa-ti spun in fata, nu as putea. M-ar cuprinde emotiile, m-as pierde in ochii tai, vocea mi-ar pieri, as incepe sa ma balbai, iar tu ai incepe sa ma crezi puerila. Cred ca din motivul temerii, sa nu ma crezi tu o copila, nu pot sa zic nimic, ma exprim mai bine in scris, mi-este mai usor sa-mi gasesc cuvintele necesare si potrivite. Daca le scriu, le pot sterge, dar in realitate orice e spus, ramane spus. Asa ca o sa incep lista fara temeri, calma.
Vreau o poveste. Nu cu printi si printese. Nu cu castel si cai albi. Nu cu vrajitoare sau mame vitrege. Vreau o poveste cu drama, lacrimi, zambete si amintiri frumoase. O poveste dura, reala. O poveste in care iubim, uram, aruncam cuvinte pe care le luam apoi inapoi. O poveste in care iertam, si trecem peste toate. O poveste in care trecem peste toate greutatile impreuna. Asta e genul de poveste pe care o vreau.
Vreau sa inchiriem o sala sa dansam impreuna. Sa invatam impreuna valsul si tangoul. Hip-hop-ul si jerk-ul. Cha-cha si jive. New-style si shuffle. Sa invatam o gramada de dansuri, sa dansam pe ritmul batailor inimii, clipitul ochilor, respiratiile plamanilor. Sa scriem impreuna poezii ale picioarelor. Sa fim impreuna materia din care este facut dansul.
Vreau sa fi persoana ce ma tine de mana atunci cand ne plimbam, fara vreun scop.
Vreau sa fi tu acela care sa danseze cu mine, chiar si in mijlocul strazii, daca se aude vreo melodie.
Vreau sa fi tu acela care ma face sa zambesc de fiecare data, doar prin simplul fapt ca esti cu mine.
Vreau sa fi tu persoana care ma face sa plang si care dup-aia imi sterge lacrimile.
Vreau sa mergem in excursii si sa ne fruisam afara, noaptea, cand lumea doarme. De ce? Ca sa ne bucuram de noapte impreuna. Sa ne uitam la stele, unul langa altu', sub o paturica, imbratisati. Sa ne dam seama ka in aceasta lume atat de mare, noi atat de mici, facem fata impreuna la multe greutati. Sa ne dam seama ca si noi suntem ca o stea impreuna. Separati nu stralucim, dar pusi impreuna, dragostea noastra straluceste mai mult decat o stea albastra.
Vreau sa savuram impreuna cafeaua de dimineata. Vreau sa te surprind cu un mic dejun in pat. Vreau sa gatim impreuna pranzul si sa mergem la cumparaturi.
Vreau sa stai in spatele meu in timp ce scriu pe blog despre tine. Vreau sa fi tu cel care imi da indicatii si care ma ajuta. Vreau sa vi cu idei si sa ma ajuti. Nu mai vreau sa fie doar blogul meu. Vreau sa fie blogul nostru.
Vreau sa vedem impreuna cum se schimba anotimpurile si cum trec anii.
Vreau sa fim NOI, nu doar Tu si Eu.
Vreau toate astea. Oare e posibil, sau doar visez la lucruri ce nu o sa se indeplineasca?
17 July 2011
Cum e sa simti fiecare strop de ploaie pe piele, sa simti cum fiecare fir de par adie usor la orice miscare fina a vantului? Sa simti geana cu geana atunci cand clipesti din ochi. Sa simti epiderma si muschii contractandu-se atunci cand zambesti sau te intinzi. Sa simti fiecare particula din aer atunci cand inspiri si expiri, sa simti drumul, milimetru cu milimetru, care il parcurge aerul in si din plamani. Sa simti cum fiecare raza de soare te atinge. Sa simti fiecare tastatura cum se lasa si apoi revine la normal atunci cand scrii pe calculator, iar cand scrii de moda veche, sa simti cum aluneca pixul/stiloul/creionul pe foaie, sa simti fiecare miscare delicata a incheieturii mainii. Sa simti fiecare zgomot, oricat de inalta sau joasa ar fi frecventa. Sa simti neuronii cum lucreaza, cum formeaza sinapse cu tot ce te ajuta sa supravietuiesti, sa vezi, sa auzi, sa simti, sa mirosi. Sa simti sangele cum circula in fiecare artera, vena si capilara, in orice directie, in tot corpul, neincetat. Cum ar fi sa simti toate astea? Ce senzatie ti-ar provoca toate aceste simturi atat de ascutite?
Oare ti-ar provoca o senzatie de adrenalina mai tare decat sa auzi si sa simti inima persoanei alese care bate in unison cu a ta? Nu! Nicio placere nu e mai mare decat cea de a simti cum circula sangele persoanei iubite prin corpul acesteia, sa ii auzi bataile inimii. Este singura dovada ca acea persoana traieste. Iar atunci cand inima persoanei bate in unison cu a ta, si se formeaza o singura inima in loc de doua, atunci e dovada ca acea persoana traieste numai pentru tine, iar tu numai pentru persoana iubita.
07 June 2011
Everything Changes
Problems so simple turn out to be so difficult,
People you wouldn't expect are there for you most,
People you don't seem to trust give you the best advices
And why is all that necesarelly?
Because you are stuck in a problem you can't solve
A problem that has been bugging you for too long
A problem that includes HIM.
Who is he? A stranger? A boyfriend? A husband? A lover?
Maybe he's all of the above. No, scratch that
He IS all of the above.
You don't know him, he doesn't know you
You love him, he's not aware
If he only knew what things you want to do to him,
He would be scared.
You'd marry him, spend your whole life beside him
And then cheat on him, with him.
Yes! He really is all of the above
And who are you? A nobody.
He's not aware. Of your smile, your gaze, your love for him
He doesn't feel you watching him, he doesn't know you cry
He's unaware of your undying love for him, in this mortal world.
Your feelings are too strong, your expectations too big
This is the world where you live in.
This is the world where you'll die in.
19 May 2011
Perle si perlute
ma uitam zilele astea prin caiete la sfarsitul lor. Ce am putut sa descopar??? Multe perle si glume de catre profi sau elevi. si tot odata si lucruri prost auzite sau citite [de obicei de mine sau colega mea de banca] si m-am decis sa le pun pe blog. Ca tot nu am scris nimic amuzant de anul trecut (:. Enjoy !!!
Profa: Radeti ca niste porci, nu stiu care din voi
Portocala: Cezar
Cezar: Richard
Richard: ce ma???
[text] utilizarea virgulei - utilizarea virginei [urufi]
[eu] zici ca e posedat - ce limba ciudata [urufi]
Urufi: ne-am semnat
Profa: unde?
Urufi: la nume :|
[profa] tare te mananca prin banca
Urufi: Cum sa te scuipi singur pe ochi
Hanes: cornurile cu gem se iau de la papetarie
Urufi: De ce a supraliniat conventie si sibliniat notatie? [se referea la egal]
X: multimea formata din elementul multimea vida
[eu] pentru ca sunt ragusita si vorbesc pe nas - pentru ca sunt un beagle tampit si vorbesc pe nas [urufi]
Urufi: Ce-i batul ala de langa u?
eu: 1 :|
Profa: In loc de grade Kelvin puteti sa scrieti grade Kelvin. Nu ma deranjeaza
Cosmin: hihihi
Olteanu: tu ce razi?
Cosmin: nu stiu
Profa: Nu ma intereseaza ce ti-a zis. Ce ti-a zis?
Porto: citeam la zodii
Dovleac: Nu prea am facut mare fizica
Urufi: ce e grd?
eu: grad
[X] Kiku Tarka - vi cu targa [Urufi]
Richard: Unde-i dovleac?
Robert: In gradina
Profa: Ce-aveti?
Cosmin: Raie
[Urufi] Delta e 8 - il taie copt [eu]
Urufi: Stii din ce e facuta guma ta???
eu: ce???
Urufi: stii din ce e facuta pielea ta?
eu: Nu ne-ntreaba asta, ne intreaba d-alea
eu: Statie?
Urufi: Station...nu stiu eu asa am scris... furculition :-??
Profa: Va sare supa-n farfurie
Profa: cine are caiet pe caiet, cine n-are caiet pe caiet
Profa: ce esta relatia?
Olteanu: Chestia aia cand o chestie nu poate sa traiasca fara alta chestie
Toma: cand intrebi un copac ce mai face
Toma: Simti moartea
Toma: Care si-a luat telefon pe carbuni?
Profa: Continui sau nu te potolesti?
Portocala: Cu ce functioneaza neoanele?
Profa: Valoarea are valoare de...?
X: se foloseste de ea toti [legat de proprietatea publica]
Olteanu: A trebuit sa try si sa sending
Olteanu: poate sa buying dar nu poate sa to buy
X: to be done
Profa: nu... verbul e to do
[eu] a fost mereu un vis de-al meu - A fost Belarus la noi [Urufi]
Urufi: Iti dai seama, sa-i spui unui puradeu "Biserica este casa lui Dumnezeu" si vede el mai multe biserici... iti dai seama ca spune ala "Haoleu mancati-as, cat de mult vile are asta"
Am pastrat ce e mai bun pentru sfarsit. Toate sunt by una din profele noastre nu dau nume. cine e in clasa cu mine stie despre cine e vorba :)) xD
cerneluri [pluralul de la cerneala]
nu vorbesti o chineza
ca cat vor ei sa demonstreze
porunca a dat-o primului om, Adam si Eva
voi n-ai respect pentru voi
Anubium, zeul egiptean cu cap de bou
scrii la chemeie
oli de lut [o oala doua oli]
postul incepe pe 15, prima zi de post e 14
unii tricoteaza, altii Dumnezeu
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 in oridine
o stergar [e la feminin in caz ca nu stiati]
ei fac destert in desert fac comert [si da... a zis fara semne de punctuatie]
vai de ala care tu
ala care esti dastept
primul cuvant in Biblie "si spiritul Duhului Sfant plutea desupra"
Ba terminati cu vorba, ba ala, care vorbeste!
Inchideti ghilimeaua [epica]
Lasa gura ma, de vorba
si cam atat am gasit prin caietele de a 10-a o sa caut si prin restul caietelor
01 May 2011
Summer Wine
22 April 2011
Nopti dulci, Dimineti amare!
Si cate nopti nedormite ai trecute pe lista? Se compara cu cate am eu? Si noptile alea in care adorm, tot cu gandul la tine sunt.
Acele nopti in care adorm gandindu-ma la el, ca totusi putem fi impreuna si poate chiar ne-ar sta bine. Poate ca ceilalti ar fi fericiti pentru noi si unii ne-ar invidia. Acele nopti dulci cu vise si mai dulci in care aparem amandoi. Acele nopti sunt cele mai crude pentru ca atunci cand ma trezesc ma izbeste in plin crudul adevar. Adevarul ca nu vom exista niciodata noi. Nu se poate acest lucru. Este demonstrat prin lege ca e imposibil sa am ceea ce-mi doresc cel mai mult. Si totusi continui sa visez acele nopti de o romanta puternica, pura si adevarata. O dragoste ideala ce trece de orice lucru fizic. Si totusi visez degeaba. Cu cat sunt mai dulci noptile in care adorm si visez, cu atat e mai cruda realitatea de a doua zi.
Si sa ma intrebe cineva de ce tu si nu altul. Si nu as avea raspuns sa-i dau. Poate pentru ca vreau ceva ce nu pot avea. Iar tu esti exemplul perfect de ceva ce poate fi realizat dar ce nu va fi realizat. Si in continuare ma amagesc cu aceleasi sperante desearte ca tu vei fi al meu intr-un final, si tot nu ma invat minte. Dar stau si astept acele nopti dulci cand vom putea fi impreuna. Chiar si daca numai pentru cateva ore. Diminetile le voi indulci eu cu o cafea cu zahar si lapte si atunci ziua va fi perfecta avand amintirea unei nopti superbe, senzuale, erotice, romantice, pure, desavarsite. Unei nopti dedicate noua, mie si tie. O noapte doar a noastra unde nimeni nu ne deranjeaza sau ne interzice ceva.
05 April 2011
Forbidden Fruit!
Why do we fall in love with the forbidden fruit? It's true that what is forbidden always has a better taste. But it has the worst aftertaste there is. Remember how after Adam and Eva ate from the forbidden tree, were driven out of Paradise? And they didn't even get to have the fruit with them. If they at least would have remained with the fruit...
31 March 2011
A closed door opens a new one! A new story begins here
A day like this should never end. This moment is perfect. It's what I have always wanted.
The golden sun shinning upon us with its rich, warm and protective rays. The green grass slowly caresses us with its tips, delicately. Shivers running down my spine as everything feels euphoric. Your hair on my lap feels as if a hundred feathers slowly and gently tingle on me. Under the golden rays of the sun your dark brown hair is highlighted in gold. Your long dark lashes shine like glitter in the sky. Slowly opening your eyes, through your eyelashes you can see your brown iris so pure, so warm. You look upwards to see me as I slowly brush your hair, of your face, through my fingertips, gently. With a smile you grab my hand and carefully pull me towards you. As I'm only a few inches apart from you, with your other hand you play with a strand of my hair, with caressing movements you go up from my hair to my cheekbone. Your warm hand, this is the warmth I want to feel everyday. Your breath, so warm, so sweet, the fragrance of your body escaping through every pore is surrounding me. At the end of every day spent together I always end up smelling like you. Your soft lips taste like the chocolate-mint ice-cream you ate earlier. Chocolate-mint-lemon, a wonderful combo of perfume and taste mix up in our mouths. I hit something, cold metal, your tongue piercing makes every kiss exciting, hot and full of pleasure. It's hot outside, but I feel hotter inside. Your kiss is driving me crazy, I'm going to get addicted to this feeling. I will need it everyday in order to survive. I want to make this kiss last longer. I bite your piercing so that you can't escape. I can feel you moan. Hmmm... it's not everyday that you moan, and this from only a little kiss. I have found one of your weak spots. The passion is driving me insane. I want to know more and more about you, about your weak spots. I want to discover you bit by bit, particle by particle, atom by atom. I want to know everything. The truth, the lies, the ugly, the bad, the good and the beautiful. Everything that is connected to you is something I would treasure.
08 January 2011
Things I Wanna Do with You
I wanna play in the snow with you. I wanna hold you tight. I wanna catch snowflakes in the palm of my hands and show them to you so that they will melt right away and you will smile at me with a you’re-incredible smile and tell me the obvious that the snowflakes melt easily, and I will put on my pouting face just so I can see you giggle at me and quickly catch me a snowflake and show it to me before it melts, smiling at me. I wanna make a snow angel so that you could help me up and write next to it that I am your angel, and I will hug you and you will pick me up and spin me once before kissing me shortly. I wanna throw snowballs at you and miss you as I fall on the snow laughing that I missed, and you would come up to me with a snowball in your hands and throw it at my face so I could chase you around in the snow. I wanna have a snowball fight afterwards where you would let me win just because you want to see me running around like a freak yelling that I beat you. I wanna go afterwards to my house and make a cup of tea or coffee or hot chocolate and sit next to each other as we warm up smiling and laughing as we remember what the day was like. I wanna go out with you again so I could get you halfway home, and walk hand in hand as we reach the metro station, and just stay in front of the metro for 15 minutes not wanting to let go of each other, even though we know we will meet again tomorrow. As we finally let go, each of us returns home texting to each other how we already miss on another. I wanna fall asleep while thinking of you, knowing you are aware of my thoughts, of my feelings, knowing you are aware that I exist and that the next morning when I wake up I won’t feel it was all a dream because you will text me telling me good morning and that you dreamt of me last night, even though it might be a lie, knowing that it will bring a smile on my face as I would text you back that I also dreamt of you, knowing it is a fact, and that I’m still dreaming the perfect dream. Because you are all that I need and only you can make me feel like this, because I find myself everyday falling more and more deeply in love with you.
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